A essential loan modification need is to demonstrate to your lending establishment that you are faced with a money hardship predicament. Read more: Securitization Audit News Financial Loans For People With Poor...

Posts Tagged With 'lender'
Mortgage originator News: Careless origination, not affordable …
Warren maintained that reckless investment in unvetted mortgage-backed securities was the primary driver of the financial crisis of 2008. “The underlying cause of the crisis is fairly clear. …. Read the original post: Mortgage originator News: Careless origination, not affordable...
Bob Hurt: Judges say securitization audits useless (for Richard Kahn)
Defendants McCubbin and Kozeny & McCubbin filed a Joint Motion to Strike a “Forensic Lender Discovery Stage One -Trust Identified Loan Securitization Audit Report” prepared for Plaintiff by Forensic Professionals Group USA, Inc. Read more from the original source: Bob Hurt: Judges say securitization audits useless (for Richard...
Indiana Family Narrowly Avoids Mortgage Rescue Predators
… Copeland found himself at the verge of losing his home just months prior to the birth of his son. View post: Indiana Family Narrowly Avoids Mortgage Rescue...
Bank Of America Claims 'inaccurate Or Faulty Documents' Do not …
Get Securitization Audit Report in just $299 … Read more here: Bank Of America Claims 'inaccurate Or Faulty Documents' Do not...
Here's How the Foreclosure Reviews Could Have Been Done Much …
Despite my best intentions, the software never really caught on, probably because while the whole thing sounds cool it's actually mind numbingly boring to systematically click through documents identifying patterns. Still, the software worked, guiding people first through one level review, then another ….. Get a securitization audit and sue the lender for wrongful...