His job, Trott said, is to do what is in the best interests of the banks that hire him, whether that's negotiating a loan modification or taking a house through foreclosure. If he put his own interests .. Read the original here: Securitization Audit News Michigan Eviction King Dave Trott– Far...

Posts Tagged With 'the-best'
Securitization Audit News Creating an introductory video for your …
Over the past few years, many of you have expressed a fear of being “on camera.” That's understandable, but it's one of the best ways to introduce yourself and connect with prospective clients. If there's one thing that...
Securitization Audit News White House Brings In Oligarchy Heirs To …
Though President Obama noted wealth inequality as the defining issue of our time and said “I realize we are not going to resolve all of our political debates over the best ways to reduce inequality and increase upward...
Securitization Audit News What ad blocking means for your real …
One of the best things about spending time with family over the holidays is that I always learn some really nifty tips and ideas from my Gen Y nieces and nephews. Originally posted here: Securitization Audit News What ad blocking means for your real...